Climate Opportunities
Climate-related opportunities
As a result of mitigating and adapting to climate change, there are opportunities that SMEs can tap on such as reducing operating costs by improving resource efficiency, using low emission energy alternatives, and developing new low-emission products and services that may improve the SME’s competitive position in the market.
Resource Efficiency
More cost-effective use of resources and facilities
Energy Source
Use of lower-carbon sources of energy (e.g., wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, nuclear, biofuels)
Products & Services
Development of new products or services that contributes to climate mitigation and/or adaptation
Access to new markets (wider supply chain increasingly demand low carbon products and services)
Resource diversification, use of renewable energy, climate adaptive resiliency
Access to new markets (wider supply chain increasingly demand low carbon products and services)
Resource diversification, use of renewable energy, climate adaptive resiliency
Food for thought for SMES
Climate Actions